Baby Boomers

  1. 1. Country singer of "Crazy"
  2. 3. A movement that fought for equal rights, especially dealing with race.
  3. 7. A major war was fought in _______ Vietnam that sparked many protests.
  4. 9. A type of skirt popular in the 1950s.
  5. 10. British Rock Band that sang "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"
  6. 13. The anthem of the Vietnam War according to soldiers- "We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by the ________.
  7. 15. Country singer of "Hey, Good Lookin'"
  8. 18. When the _______ was invented, the radio started playing more music.
  9. 19. "We Shall _________" was one of the most important protest songs.
  1. 2. Motown group that sang "My Girl"- The ________.
  2. 4. Motown group that sang "Stop! In the Name of Love." The _______.
  3. 5. Very famous British rock & roll group that sang "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
  4. 6. Vinyl _____ records remained a popular way to listen to music.
  5. 8. Many ______ babies were born following WWII.
  6. 11. Singer of "For What It's Worth"
  7. 12. A new way to listen to music was the 8-______ cartridge, especially in cars.
  8. 14. Singer of "I Wish I Knew How it would Feel to be Free"
  9. 16. Major music festival in 1969
  10. 17. A way to listen to music in a public place- pay a small fee, pick a song!