Baby Boomers

  1. 2. Hotdogs, BBQ's, Summer
  2. 3. Dinner that can be cooked in under a minute in the microwave
  3. 5. Ice that is extremely hard to see, especially when driving
  4. 6. Way of getting food quickly rather than sitting inside a resturant
  5. 8. Board with 4 wheels to ride on
  6. 10. Campaign against alleged communists in the US government
  7. 13. An electric device that can restart someone's heart
  8. 14. Drug used to help ADD and ADHD
  9. 15. A shelter that protects against the threat of nuclear bombs
  10. 16. When food is frozen and then the water is removed
  1. 1. Hotdog with chili
  2. 2. The sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car, and prevents the need for others to have to drive to a location themselves
  3. 3. When a member of one gender transitions to the other
  4. 4. The anti-particle of a quark
  5. 7. Tylenol is a brand name of this
  6. 8. When someone tricks you into giving them money for a false cause
  7. 9. What US money is called when you send it to a foreign country to save against taxes
  8. 11. Tape with images on it that can go into a specialized player to create videos
  9. 12. Astonished