Baby Browning

  1. 1. How many Uncle’s will the baby have?
  2. 2. How many Grandma’s will the baby have?
  3. 4. What month is baby due?
  4. 6. What is Jupiter’s middle name?
  5. 8. Britt & Thomas’s First Fur Baby?
  6. 13. How many Auntie’s will the baby have?
  7. 14. Britt, Thomas & Jupiter live in?
  8. 16. Thomas’s Mum’s Name?
  9. 18. Thomas is the baby’s what?
  10. 19. Britt’s biggest craving this pregnancy?
  11. 20. Who is the baby’s cousin?
  12. 21. Britt & Thomas were married in what month?
  1. 1. Ten Little?
  2. 3. Britt is the baby’s what?
  3. 5. How many fingers will the baby have?
  4. 6. Jupiter will be the baby’s what?
  5. 7. The baby’s star sign will be?
  6. 8. How many Great Grandparents will the baby have?
  7. 9. Britt & Thomas’s Second Fur Baby?
  8. 10. Thomas’s Dad’s Name?
  9. 11. What date is baby due?
  10. 12. What is Thomas’s middle name?
  11. 15. How many Grandad’s will the baby have?
  12. 17. Britt’s Mum’s Name?