Baby Driver

  1. 2. The city where "Baby Driver" takes place
  2. 4. Baby's ear condition
  3. 7. Baby's job outside of crime
  4. 8. Baby's lucky charm
  5. 9. The song that Baby's mom loved
  6. 11. Baby's love interest
  7. 12. Baby's first name
  8. 14. The diner where Baby meets Deborah
  9. 15. Baby's guilty pleasure
  10. 16. Baby's signature accessory
  11. 19. Baby's skillful driving ability
  12. 22. Baby's childhood trauma
  13. 24. Darling's real name
  14. 25. Baby's foster father
  1. 1. Deborah's profession
  2. 3. Baby's sentencing at the end of the movie
  3. 5. Baby's go-to tunes
  4. 6. Never gonna give you ____
  5. 10. Heist mastermind's nickname for Baby
  6. 13. Baby's getaway car in the final heist
  7. 15. Buddy's partner-in-crime
  8. 17. ROBBERY Crime heist method used in the movie
  9. 18. Baby's crime crew nickname
  10. 20. Criminal mastermind played by Kevin Spacey
  11. 21. Main character in "Baby Driver"
  12. 23. The color of Baby's car