Baby MacLures' Crossword

  1. 2. Name of Mommy's sister who threw this shower
  2. 5. Baby clothing
  3. 6. Justin
  4. 7. Changed often
  5. 10. Mom and Dad
  6. 12. What baby MacLure will be
  7. 13. Where baby sleeps
  8. 15. Baby MacLure's future astrology sign
  9. 16. It's a!
  10. 17. The name of baby MacLure's big brother
  1. 1. Diaper bag supply
  2. 3. Daddy's job title
  3. 4. Classic stuffed cuddly
  4. 8. Mommy's pregnancy craving
  5. 9. Month baby MacLure is due
  6. 11. Thumb substitute
  7. 13. Auto accessory
  8. 14. Mealtime Neckware