Baby Name

  1. 5. Dancing on St Mark’s square to live music. What a last night in this magnificient town.
  2. 7. A Colossal mystery…where has it gone?
  3. 9. Home to the big pyramids.
  4. 10. Second smallest country in the world. Super expensive.
  5. 12. This Italian city is known for their pizza.
  6. 15. Town on the French Riviera. Famed for its international film festival.
  7. 18. Centre of Europe's first advanced civilization the Minoans.
  8. 19. Caitlin moved here after uni.
  9. 21. Most impressive temple of Ramses II.
  10. 25. Caerdydd is the name of this capital in the native language.
  11. 30. Location of our second honeymoon. What a sunset what an island!
  12. 31. The Windy City.
  13. 32. Where the rich and famous park their yachts on the French Riviera.
  14. 33. Smallest country in the world. Still managed to have the most impressive church in the world.
  15. 34. Home of the Beatles.
  16. 36. French wine region known for their Pinot Noir.
  17. 38. Picturesque and expensive Greek tourist location. Lots of people come here to party.
  18. 40. Beautiful Croatian seaside city. Makes lots of appearances on Game of Thrones.
  19. 41. Grab yourself a Scotch and enjoy this beautiful capital.
  20. 42. City Great BBQ and for some reason in Missouri.
  1. 1. Please don’t erupt and cover this city again…
  2. 2. City in Belgium. Known for their diamond trade.
  3. 3. Largest city on the Côte d'Azur.
  4. 4. The eternal city.
  5. 6. Forget sparkling wine. We only drink the real deal ;).
  6. 8. Beautiful Croatian seaside city. Built in and around the ruins of an ancient Roman palace.
  7. 11. Caitlin grew up in this town.
  8. 13. This Italian city is known for their hard cheese and ham.
  9. 14. Mozart was born here.
  10. 16. The Palio a horse race held twice a year in Piazza del Campo happens in this Italian city.
  11. 17. Birthplace of democracy.
  12. 20. The Crown Jewels are kept in a Tower this city.
  13. 22. We’d love to move to this English seaside town.
  14. 23. English city. Probably best known for its two soccer clubs.
  15. 24. Sebi’s hometown.
  16. 26. Time for a Guinness.
  17. 27. Known for corn and Caitlin’s university.
  18. 28. I wonder how this tower is still standing. Seems a bit tipsy.
  19. 29. Doesn’t get much more ancient than this. Capital of Egypt.
  20. 35. Sebi studied abroad in this state.
  21. 36. You might think this city only eat sprouts. Wrong. It’s waffles and french fries.
  22. 37. This Italian city is known for their balsamic vinegar.
  23. 39. City of love.