Baby Girl Names

  1. 4. Hope for the Kind
  2. 5. Delicate, Gentleness is her soul
  3. 8. Hope, Expectation
  4. 9. happiness, joy, gladness, gleefulness, joyful
  5. 11. Safe and Mild
  6. 12. “high above” and “exalted”
  7. 15. "From the Beautiful Scenery"
  8. 16. a fragrant flower
  9. 17. "Comfort Happiness and Peace"
  1. 1. 'light', 'illumination'
  2. 2. Beauty
  3. 3. Happy person
  4. 6. Princess. Rich woman
  5. 7. The moon
  6. 10. overcome with deep or intense sorrow
  7. 13. " Companion, Faithful Friend"
  8. 14. Noble, Excellent