Baby Pigs

  1. 3. This person is always angry when I squeeze!
  2. 5. This person is very smart....and smelly!
  3. 7. This person so so small. I can put her in my pocket.
  4. 9. This person's sister is in my big class.
  5. 10. This person is a new student in our class.
  6. 12. You love this person.
  7. 13. This person always says Aiyowaya!
  8. 15. This person always falls down!
  9. 16. This person is the tallest koala!
  1. 1. This person is very shy.
  2. 2. You live here!
  3. 4. Yesterday, I taught this person days and months.
  4. 6. I have gone to this person's home.
  5. 7. This person's face is very soft so I like to squeeze it!
  6. 8. This person finished writing the book today!
  7. 11. This person always spaces out in class.
  8. 12. This person wants me to give her stickers if I squeeze!
  9. 14. This person got a puzzle for a Christmas gift. She was so sad!