Baby shower

  1. 3. You’ll have lots of smelly ones of these!
  2. 5. This is how many days it takes for baby to recognise daddy’s voice
  3. 6. Lots of these will be taken of the bundle of joy!
  4. 8. Bedtime attire
  5. 10. Three babies!
  6. 12. Baby’s sleeping place
  7. 13. Qualified person who looks after you during pregnancy
  8. 14. Baby has around 300 of these when born
  9. 16. This is sung to baby
  10. 19. Mum to be will know when she’s having one of these!
  11. 20. The colour a baby’s eyes will start
  12. 21. Handheld first toy
  13. 22. Female sibling
  1. 1. Body part that isn’t there when baby is born
  2. 2. Mealtime neckwear
  3. 4. Male sibling
  4. 7. Why we are here today
  5. 9. Plenty of Bonjela will be needed during this stage
  6. 11. This connects the uterus to umbilical cord
  7. 14. 80% of babies are born with one of these somewhere on his/her body
  8. 15. Thumb substitute
  9. 17. Something used to keep baby warm
  10. 18. One type of pain relief
  11. 20. Something to sort baby’s hunger