Baby shower

  1. 2. One, Two, _________ my shoe. (6)
  2. 3. Humpty Dumpty sat on a _____. (4)
  3. 4. Five, six, pick up the _____. (6)
  4. 6. How I ________ who you are? (6)
  5. 8. Three four, shut the ____. (4)
  6. 10. Wheels on the _____ go round and round. (3)
  7. 11. Jack and ____ went up the hill. (4)
  8. 12. Twinkle twinkle little ___. (4)
  1. 1. Humpty Dumpty had a ________ fall. (5)
  2. 2. Baa Baa, ______ sheep. (5)
  3. 5. Chubby _____, dimple chin, (6)
  4. 6. To fetch a pail of ______. (5)
  5. 7. Have you any ______? (4)
  6. 9. ______ lips teeth within. (4)