Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 2. What you wrap a baby in to keep warm.
  2. 4. A baby's tiny fingers and ___.
  3. 8. Protective covering for a baby's chest.
  4. 9. Where a baby takes a nap.
  5. 12. Where you put a baby to sleep.
  6. 13. Baby's first word, often "mama" or "dada."
  7. 14. Baby's first meal.
  8. 15. Soft, warm covering for a baby's bed.
  9. 18. The event you're celebrating.
  10. 21. What a baby does when it's happy.
  11. 23. Protective covering for a baby's eye.
  1. 1. Protective covering for a baby's head.
  2. 3. Baby's first toy, often a rubber one.
  3. 5. A baby's first home before birth.
  4. 6. A small, cuddly stuffed animal.
  5. 7. Protective covering for a baby's hand.
  6. 9. A soft, fluffy baby bird.
  7. 10. The person who's having the baby.
  8. 11. A baby's tiny toes and ___.
  9. 15. What you give a baby to drink.
  10. 16. Protective covering for a baby's foot.
  11. 17. A baby's favorite stuffed animal.
  12. 19. Where babies take baths.
  13. 20. What babies do when they are tired.
  14. 22. A small, playful baby animal.
  15. 24. What a baby does when it's hungry.