Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 2. Habit GiGi had to give up when she found out is she pregnant?🥲
  2. 7. Month gigi found she is pregnant
  3. 8. baby’s due Month
  4. 9. Gigi’s worst pregnancy symptoms
  5. 11. Gigi’s most wanted pregnancy
  6. 12. Baby’s Designated pediatrician
  1. 1. GiGi is 27 weeks pregnant, the baby now is a size of which vegetable? (Hint: used in maklooba)
  2. 3. Gigi’s walk while pregnant
  3. 4. Said “ohh mama khaleel…the baby has blue eyes in the ultrasound”
  4. 5. Hardest thing to give up during pregnancy
  5. 6. Baby’s second mom ❤️
  6. 10. Amount of times gigi wakes up to pee at night
  7. 11. Designated babysitter