Baby Shower Crossword Game

  1. 3. You can never have too many of these
  2. 7. Sometimes it plays music and moves back and forth it also helps baby go to sleep
  3. 8. Babies have to ......... before they walk
  4. 10. You give the baby this to make them stop crying
  5. 12. You put a nipple on the end of this
  6. 13. Babies drink of choice even though mines is Ciroc with cranberry
  7. 15. Mother-to-be
  8. 17. Ebony is having a ............
  9. 18. Babies first year go to outfit
  1. 1. Babies shakes these to make noise
  2. 2. Ebony was scared to tell her mom she was (CTHU)
  3. 4. When you don't want to share your bed you put the baby here
  4. 5. Labor and ................
  5. 6. Ebony is terrified to go into .................
  6. 7. When you wrap the baby like a burrito
  7. 8. The opposite of being ugly
  8. 9. What is a baby is called after being born
  9. 11. Father-to-be
  10. 14. Ebony and Ramiro's bundle of joy
  11. 16. If you say this word someone can steal you pin