Baby Shower Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Blocking view of your feet
  2. 5. A resource when parents go back to work
  3. 6. Makes baby feel secure
  4. 8. A gift given after delivery
  5. 9. Best sleep position for baby
  6. 12. More than two babies, but not four
  7. 14. More than one baby, but not three
  1. 1. If it's a boy
  2. 2. The baby outgrows them quickly
  3. 4. Siblings may experience this emotion
  4. 7. Something you will never have enough of
  5. 9. Part of baby that gets smacked to make them cry
  6. 10. Where a baby sleeps
  7. 11. Is best
  8. 13. If it's a girl