Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 3. Baby noise maker.
  2. 5. Baa baa black sheep, have you any _____?
  3. 6. Room in the house for young children.
  4. 8. Another word for baby.
  5. 11. Set of three babies.
  6. 12. Traditional boy color.
  7. 13. Baby Heitzinger's big sister.
  1. 1. Rocking bed for baby.
  2. 2. Cat in the Hat doctor.
  3. 4. The book Goodnight _____.
  4. 7. Tanya's maiden name.
  5. 9. Mary had a little lamb, it's _____ was white as snow.
  6. 10. The month baby is due.
  7. 12. Baby eating apparel.