Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 1. goes around the cot
  2. 2. for baby soft skin
  3. 4. they work in the community or at the hospital
  4. 9. you use this before making a feed
  5. 11. everybody wants to know this when the baby is born
  6. 12. cow and gate for example
  7. 14. keeps your baby entertained
  8. 15. something mummy and daddy won't be getting
  1. 1. use to make your own baby food
  2. 3. for babies who don't like the dark
  3. 5. your baby sleeps in it
  4. 6. baby's first bed
  5. 7. helps your baby with painful gums
  6. 8. somewhere to store all those toys
  7. 10. keep your baby's head warm
  8. 13. keeps your baby warm