Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 2. A confused baby who can't decide which way is down.
  2. 5. The ugly little leftover that creates the belly button.
  3. 6. This measurement determines when you can push.
  4. 10. The horse pills they expect Moms to swallow every day for nine months.
  5. 12. This word is pure insanity.
  6. 14. The incredible invention that allows the Father to experience the joy of 2:00am feedings.
  7. 16. The two people responsible for caring for the little angel.
  1. 1. These are an effective substitute when a breast is not available.
  2. 3. What happens when Mom and Dad are blissfully unaware of the pungent odor coming from their little bundle of joy.
  3. 4. Pregnant women pay this man for help and advice even though he's never given birth.
  4. 7. A baby's best friend when its hungry.
  5. 8. That funny-looking blob in your first ultrasound picture.
  6. 9. The one medical procedure that allows a woman to even consider having a second child.
  7. 11. Something Mom and Dad can kiss good-bye once the baby is born.
  8. 13. Just when you thought you were done pushing, this rears its ugly head.
  9. 15. These are highly recommended BEFORE you burp your baby.