Baby Shower Extravaganza!

  1. 4. A baby gets many of these throughout the day.
  2. 6. Mama.
  3. 7. What babies play with.
  4. 11. Powdered milk.
  5. 13. Post meal action
  6. 14. Feeding device for milk.
  7. 15. Clothing accessory during meal time.
  8. 17. A baby's comfort item
  9. 18. Baby's bodysuits.
  10. 21. Baby's underwear.
  11. 22. Baby's noisemaker.
  12. 23. Some babies are born with a full head of ___.
  13. 24. What babies sit in to eat.
  1. 1. What you sing to the baby at night.
  2. 2. The classic book, "Goodnight ___."
  3. 3. Dada.
  4. 5. Thumb substitute.
  5. 8. Baby burrito wrap!
  6. 9. Baby's bed.
  7. 10. Needed for a walk in the park.
  8. 12. This baby will be surrounded by lots of ___!
  9. 16. Baby's footwear.
  10. 19. Big sister, woof!
  11. 20. A baby's first one usually takes place in the sink.