Baby Shower Game

  1. 3. ultrasound
  2. 4. it lasts 9 months
  3. 5. a type of vitamin for an expectant mom
  4. 6. After 8 1/2 months of pregnancy, you feel like you are going to ___
  5. 8. you gain about 40 or more of these during pregnancy
  6. 9. a brand of diapers
  7. 11. babies need a lot of these each day
  8. 12. Twins are like two peas in a ___
  9. 14. babies seem to go through a ton of these!
  1. 1. This keeps a baby's bottom dry
  2. 2. New mom and dad don't get a lot of this
  3. 6. What your doctor tells you to do in the delivery room
  4. 7. what a baby does after eating
  5. 8. a baby girl's favourite color
  6. 10. A shot that never felt so good
  7. 13. cutie ____