Baby shower game part 1

  1. 2. Alyssa's workplace
  2. 5. Baby shoes
  3. 7. (4)(9) City Sheldon waa born in
  4. 11. Where they live now
  5. 12. Used for swaddling baby
  6. 13. Alyssa was pregnant during this period
  7. 15. Alyssa's second name
  8. 19. Name of youth group where the parents met
  9. 20. Baby mama!
  10. 21. Hospital where baby is to be born
  11. 24. (7)(8) Alyssa had 6 months of this
  12. 26. Alyssa's favourite colour
  1. 1. Baby's surname
  2. 3. Granny's name (paternal)
  3. 4. Used to feed baby
  4. 6. Baby daddy!
  5. 8. Used for messy eating
  6. 9. Granny's name (maternal)
  7. 10. City Alyssa was born in
  8. 11. Grandpa's name (maternal)
  9. 14. Month baby is expected
  10. 16. Family's favourite food
  11. 17. One of the foods Alyssa was craving
  12. 18. Grandpa's name (paternal)
  13. 22. Sheldon's second name
  14. 23. What baby spent all day doing
  15. 24. Baby's gender
  16. 25. Baby bed