Baby shower - Hafeeza

  1. 3. tone of voice you use when baby is sleeping
  2. 5. father of the child
  3. 6. recent arrival
  4. 8. your sisters baby boy
  5. 9. new borns bed
  6. 11. bird that delivers a baby
  7. 12. birth pangs
  8. 13. type of babies shoes
  9. 14. mum and dad
  10. 16. thumb substitute
  1. 1. delivery date
  2. 2. classic stuffed cuddly toy
  3. 4. parents dont get a lot of this once baby is born
  4. 7. bodysuit for new born babies
  5. 9. where baby sleeps
  6. 10. milk container
  7. 15. you change them at least once a day