Baby Shower Puzzle

  1. 1. Bed for babies with bars on the sides
  2. 3. Baby’s feeding utensil
  3. 4. Wet towels which are used to clean baby skin
  4. 7. Color of Baby Sanni's room
  5. 8. What a baby does after feeding
  6. 11. Holiday the couple is most looking forward to celebrating with Baby Sanni
  7. 13. Trait parents hope Baby Sanni will get from dad
  8. 14. Trait parents hope Baby Sanni will get from mom
  1. 2. A toy percussion instrument that the baby shakes
  2. 4. Parent who will change the most diapers
  3. 5. Animal who brings babies
  4. 6. Infant bodysuit
  5. 8. First vacation for baby Sanni
  6. 9. Kay will do this to get Baby Sanni to sleep
  7. 10. Thumb substitute
  8. 12. First thing couple bought when they found out they were expecting