Baby Shower

  1. 3. It’s a good thing babies wear _______________ to prevent big accidents
  2. 6. What the baby uses to have all its drinks.
  3. 7. When the baby is born, it is called a ______________.
  4. 10. Cutest bundle of joy for everyone.
  5. 12. Another word for a cradle
  6. 14. What babies drink
  7. 15. A room in the house specifically for babies
  1. 1. It’s like a crib, but only more fun
  2. 2. Where babies are supposed to sleep, but never end up sleeping in this.
  3. 4. This is sung to help calm the baby.
  4. 5. This person keeps the baby safe and warm inside for 9 months.
  5. 8. One-piece outfit
  6. 9. What is used when the baby does not stop crying __________________
  7. 11. This is used to wrap the baby to protect it from the cold.
  8. 13. The mom will take her baby to the park in the ______________________