Baby Soucheray

  1. 1. Wonderful man who will help parent you
  2. 3. What will happen at Church
  3. 5. Where mom and dad will put you to comfort you
  4. 7. Mom's family name
  5. 8. Great place to visit and swim
  6. 11. How everyone feels to have you on the way
  7. 13. What we're doing today
  8. 16. Older men who can't wait to teach you how to drive
  9. 18. Where mom and dad will put you when you're traveling in the car
  1. 1. What you'll wear until you're potty trained
  2. 2. Where you will sleep
  3. 3. How you'll eat when mom's away
  4. 4. Wonderful woman who gave birth to you
  5. 6. Dad's family name
  6. 9. Due in January, 2023
  7. 10. You'll move around in this way in your first year
  8. 12. What mom and dad will need lots to comfort you when you cry
  9. 14. Older ladies who adore you
  10. 15. Mom and dad will need this and won't get it for a few years
  11. 17. Great place to visit and play