Baby Time

  1. 2. Baby’s “toilet”
  2. 4. Milk for baby from the store
  3. 6. Protects baby’s face from su
  4. 7. First Milk
  5. 9. Process of baby teeth coming in
  6. 11. Professional care provider during pregnancy and birth
  7. 13. Good for cleaning baby bottom and the whole house
  8. 16. This is where the umbilical cord used to attach
  1. 1. Chapped Baby bottom
  2. 3. Noisy baby toy
  3. 5. Hangs over crib to entertain baby
  4. 8. Doctor for pregnancy
  5. 10. Two babies at the same time
  6. 12. AKA sucker or binky
  7. 14. Bed for very young babies
  8. 15. Baby Inside the Womb