Baby Toys

  1. 2. Antibiotic used to demonstrate the two conformations of the A-site
  2. 3. Alternate source of pre-miRNA
  3. 6. Characteristic of Group II introns
  4. 8. Dynamic collection of snRNPs
  5. 11. GW182 tags mRNA for degradation in these organelles
  6. 15. Correlation between a ribosome and a spy (007)
  7. 17. These define boundaries for activator activity within a genome
  8. 18. Recognition Helices binding site on DNA
  9. 19. Byproduct of splicing
  10. 21. Compound used to distinguish different RNA Pol activities
  11. 26. Enzyme that creates the α-β-α phosphate bridge during capping
  12. 27. Cooperation between modified histones
  13. 28. Glue between DNA binding proteins and DNA
  14. 31. The accuracy of aa-tRNA synthetase is produced by this mechanism
  15. 32. This class of promoter is distinguished by its location within the gene
  16. 33. Unique to RNA Pol II, this transcription stage requires ATP
  17. 37. Enzyme that adds AMP molecules to the 3’-end of pre-mRNA
  18. 38. Conserved residues in reading head of RF2
  19. 39. Translational control in prokaryotes depends on this mRNA feature
  20. 43. Reason why dimeric DNA-binding proteins are more efficient then monomeric ones
  21. 46. Proposed model of eukaryotic ribosomes in finding mRNA binding sites
  22. 48. RNAi can also suppress genes by interfering with these DNA regions
  23. 50. RNAi conducts this type of degradation of mRNA
  24. 52. General transcription factor of RNA Pol I
  25. 53. Encoded by the mRNA, creates important pauses vital for peptides emerging from ribosomes
  26. 54. This characteristic of the mRNA is increased through 5’-end Capping
  27. 56. Activated CAP does this to RNA Pol near the promoter
  28. 58. Order of specific post-translational modifications that regulates gene expression through chromatin condensation
  29. 59. Stage where RNA Polymerase binding to DNA is strong (RP?)
  30. 60. Method used to coordinate pre-mRNA processing
  31. 62. Docking site for EF-G during translocation
  32. 64. This post translational modification deactivates and replaces activators on the enhancer
  33. 65. Main role is to recruit mRNA to the eukaryotic ribosome
  34. 67. This protein cleaves the mRNA capable of base-pairing the guide strand
  35. 68. Originating from stem-loop precursor RNA
  1. 1. IF-2 is mainly responsible for recruiting this substrate of translation
  2. 2. miRNA and aconitase use this method for translational regulation of gene expression
  3. 4. Preferred method of Activator action on DNA
  4. 5. This post-translational modification causes chromatin relaxation
  5. 7. Pol Holoenzyme subunit that recognizes -10/-35 Boxes
  6. 9. Proofreading structure of RNA Pol
  7. 10. Common amino acid found coordinating metal ions in Zinc-containing modules
  8. 11. Also known as DABPolFEH
  9. 12. Driven by codon/anti-codon base-pairing between mRNA and tRNA
  10. 13. Intermediate product during tRNA charging
  11. 14. Secondary regulation mechanism of trp Operon
  12. 15. Histones with methylated-K attract proteins with these motifs
  13. 16. Location for RNA Polymerase III
  14. 20. This feature of DNA is recognized by DNA-binding proteins and is defined by the DNA sequence
  15. 22. Chromatin alteration by acetylating histone tails
  16. 23. These factors supply the versatility of TFIID usage with any promoter
  17. 24. Structural feature of tRNA involved in both tRNA recruiting and tRNA charging
  18. 25. Key feature that allows ribosome rescue by tmRNA
  19. 27. Common feature of splicing, 5’-Capping, polyadenylation
  20. 29. A reason for pausing transcription
  21. 30. Protein type encoded by lacA
  22. 34. Allosteric regulation at the macromolecular level
  23. 35. Collection of activators that cooperatively regulate expression of a gene
  24. 36. lac operon inducer
  25. 40. Type of change to an activator that is induced by phosphorylation
  26. 41. produced during the RPitc stage
  27. 42. Common feature of both transcription and translation
  28. 43. This protein cleaves pre-mRNA prior to polyadenylation
  29. 44. Conformational changes of this molecule leads to an active spliceosome
  30. 45. TFIIS/GreB activates this activity of the RNA Polymerase
  31. 47. σ-subunit does this during the Stochastic Model
  32. 49. Driving force for promoter clearance
  33. 51. Relationship between DNA binding and Transcription activating domains of Activators
  34. 55. This complex specifies which introns are to be removed
  35. 57. Common 3° Structure of a tRNA
  36. 61. Protein conducting double duty between NMD and NAS
  37. 63. Conserved segment of the polyadenylation cleavage signal encoded in DNA
  38. 66. Maintains chromatin loose during transcriptional elongation