Bachelorette Gazette

  1. 3. (n.) bird of prey; mascot of Maia's high school alma mater and NFL football team
  2. 5. gender neutral name; Maia's brother's name; coincidentally Josiah's brothers name as well
  3. 6. a Cambridge university; Josiah's undergrad alma mater and Maia's graduate alma mater
  4. 7. music school that Maia went to
  5. 11. (v.) the propulsion of the body through water; Maia has a need to do this when encountering any body of water
  6. 14. a rugged sport played without padding; sport that Maia played in college
  7. 15. an island off the coast of Massachusetts; Maia worked here for the best summer of her life
  8. 17. the place where Maia and Josiah fell in love, their hometown, and current city of residence
  9. 18. a poet; Maia's college alma mater
  10. 19. a stadium notorious in the Boston area; home of Maia and Josiah's favorite baseball team
  11. 20. (adj.) word to describe something that is unwavering and steadfast; Maia's approach to relationships and friendships
  1. 1. the 50th state to join the union; Maia and Josiah's honeymoon destination
  2. 2. genre of tv show that Maia loves to watch
  3. 4. physical activity involving stationary bikes; a necessity in Maia's decompressing routine
  4. 5. (adj.) used to describe Beyonce; describes Maia's physicality and aura
  5. 8. (n.) a strip of land at the edge of water; Maia's ideal place to spend the day
  6. 9. the sixth month of the year; Maia's middle name
  7. 10. type of tree; the road the Arthur/Gokhale family resided at
  8. 12. a medium-sized stringed instrument; Maia makes beautiful melodies when singing with this instrument
  9. 13. a popular type of theater, mainly connected to New York City; Maia's current street of residence
  10. 16. (adj.) full of energy and brightness; describes Maia's energy and essence