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  1. 3. Dutch word for marriage
  2. 5. Fish the Dutch (not Evy) love to eat raw
  3. 9. This word goes before vest, beans and quartet
  4. 10. Dutch delicacy
  5. 11. What British people do at the bus stop, at the shop counter and at the bank...
  6. 13. This museum just got renovated and has a cycle path right through the building
  7. 17. Best beach for kitesurfing in the UK
  8. 19. Other word for marriage
  9. 20. The Spice Girls were formed in 1994, Evy related most to...
  10. 22. Who’s quote is this? “Love is a promise; love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.”
  11. 23. UK prime minister from 1990-1997
  12. 24. Where Sinterklaas takes you to if you’ve been naughty
  1. 1. Island separated from the mainland by a channel called the Great Deep
  2. 2. Popular daily tv-show in Holland
  3. 4. Last name of the presenter of Ron’s Honeymoon Quiz
  4. 5. Last name of the singer (famous for his beer consumption) of ‘Zij gelooft in mij’
  5. 6. Surname of the winner of the last edition of X-factor UK (2012)
  6. 7. The place where you find De Keukenhof
  7. 8. She represented Holland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013
  8. 12. The number of bridesmaids Queen Elizabeth had at her wedding in 1947
  9. 14. Popular honeymoon destination
  10. 15. Music festival in limburg
  11. 16. Undefinable Dutch snack
  12. 18. One of Evy’s favourite clothing shops (can’t be found in Holland)
  13. 21. Main ingredient of black pudding