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  1. 3. acknowledgment that you are listening to the teacher
  2. 5. the greatest way to get your questions answered
  3. 7. a small piece of knowledge that helps you learn about, read about, and talk about new topics
  4. 8. a break to calm down or refocus
  5. 9. when you've practiced something enough that it no longer takes effort
  6. 12. the subject all about learning from others and being entertained by their ideas
  7. 15. we all have our part to play to make our class be a home for everyone
  8. 17. the place to find resources and entertainment
  9. 19. the ability to keep going without giving up
  10. 21. Ms. Taylor's favorite living being
  11. 22. calm and peaceful
  12. 25. special and awesome
  13. 26. for getting a quick check of your understanding before you head out the door
  14. 29. the subject all about solving problems and investigating how the world works
  15. 31. opportunities to move your body and refocus your learning...or lose time
  1. 1. when the words have a different meaning that isn't as obvious as the definition of the words
  2. 2. one of the best adults to turn to when your are feeling stressed or have an SEL question
  3. 4. where your things stay out of the way
  4. 6. the subject all about sharing your ideas
  5. 10. the place to help keep your body healthy
  6. 11. excited to learn and get things done
  7. 13. proud to have achieved a goal
  8. 14. acknowledgment for impressive class behavior
  9. 16. the object you can use to quickly and respectfully get your teacher's attention
  10. 18. included and treated well
  11. 20. the most forgotten, but most important part of an assignment
  12. 23. listen to this to learn a variety of perspectives and cool ideas about our learning
  13. 24. the subject all about communicating with others and being your best self
  14. 27. the porcelain throne
  15. 28. when you've been working hard and need a few minutes to relax and recharge
  16. 29. killer of germs
  17. 30. a shield and a fashion accessory