Back to School 101

  1. 3. Tasks set by students to achieve.
  2. 4. Something teachers write on.
  3. 6. You use this to stick things together.
  4. 7. Make a decision.
  5. 8. People you talk to in and out of school.
  6. 11. Give a short explantion of the story.
  7. 12. Your free time.
  8. 14. Last month.
  9. 18. Things students bring with them to write and study.
  10. 19. A person in the class who helps students study.
  11. 22. Something students use to cut paper and cardboard.
  12. 23. Colored pencils used in art.
  1. 1. Like a pencil but you cannot erase it.
  2. 2. A period of time kids don't go to school.
  3. 5. We use this book to check students are in school
  4. 6. Our school has three: year 1, year 2 and year 3.
  5. 9. A teacher who does not like fun.
  6. 10. A book in which students write notes.
  7. 13. A table students use in the classroom.
  8. 15. Something students use to carry their books and pencil case.
  9. 16. Teachers do this so students understand.
  10. 17. There are 12 months in every .......
  11. 20. You use this to erase a mistake written in pencil.
  12. 21. The opposite of front.