Back to school

  1. 3. Our teacher wastes our time by making us do work at home.
  2. 6. The room that you do you work in is called a _________.
  3. 9. We use a _____ to measure how big something is, I used my ______ to see how long my desk was.
  1. 1. We use this to write things down and if we make a mistake, we can erase it.
  2. 2. The person that runs the school is called a pr_______.
  3. 4. A very important person.
  4. 5. We write down lots of thing in a no______.
  5. 7. In his is a subject we do addition and subtraction.
  6. 8. Me and my best ______ do everything together last year me and all of my_____'s did a project together