Back to school

  1. 2. It's not our present or our future
  2. 3. we used to use chalk on these
  3. 4. a test
  4. 5. an area of knowledge studied in a school, college or university
  5. 9. an educator
  6. 11. you can be taught this, or people can have this
  7. 13. a group of learners that take lessons together
  8. 14. you don't want one of these on your scorecard
  9. 15. you will want plenty of these on your scorecard
  10. 16. it's all about living things
  1. 1. one that becomes educated by the educator
  2. 6. what you do when you move around
  3. 7. where you get your degree in the United Kingdom
  4. 8. Newton's favourite
  5. 10. it's all about places
  6. 12. you want the highest one of these you can get