- 2. A perfect __________ award is traditionally given in U.S. schools as a way to honor students who have never missed a day of school.
- 5. For most, a new school year means you will have new ________ or professors.
- 7. This ________ or half-year term in a school typically lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks, most kids will learn from home.
- 9. Back to school _______ this year may consist of sweat pants and t-shirts.
- 1. School books and notebooks have now been replaced with a ______ or portable computer.
- 3. How many _______ or courses do you have every day?
- 4. Will there be a ____ or Promenade this year? We may look pretty silly dancing six feet apart.
- 6. For most kids, this is the first time they will learn in a _______ setting, where everything is carried out, accessed or stored by means of a computer.
- 8. The wheels on the ___ will not be going round and round this year, with most kids learning at home.