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  1. 1. A plant in the desert
  2. 3. Frozen rain
  3. 5. An island nearby
  4. 6. It keeps us warm.
  5. 8. A dessert
  6. 10. First in the group
  7. 12. He is in office now
  8. 13. How we build a house
  9. 15. Building blocks
  10. 17. Where I go to cool off
  11. 18. Trying to win
  1. 2. A math whiz
  2. 4. Soft talk
  3. 7. My pet or an operating system
  4. 9. A Bulldog
  5. 11. My pet or a town in Europe SaintPeters Where we learn
  6. 12. Book carrier
  7. 14. A mark on your shirt
  8. 16. A Bearcat