Back to School

  1. 3. look at words and know what they say
  2. 4. afternoon meal
  3. 6. a building where students learn
  4. 8. yellow vehicle that brings students to school
  5. 9. tool used to cut paper
  6. 11. to put a point on a pencil
  7. 13. tool for erasing
  8. 14. room where students learn
  9. 16. what you do with your brain
  10. 17. person who teaches
  11. 19. tools for coloring
  12. 22. person in charge of a school
  1. 1. people you like being around
  2. 2. tool for writing
  3. 3. things you need to follow for class to run smoothly
  4. 5. place that has books
  5. 7. something you sit on
  6. 8. morning meal
  7. 10. book with blank pages for writing
  8. 12. little papers that stick together
  9. 15. subject in which you learn about numbers
  10. 18. the place where you exercise and learn about sports
  11. 20. measuring tool
  12. 21. a sound you hear at the end of class