Back To School

  1. 2. The best writing tool, easy to erase
  2. 4. Someone who helps educate you at school
  3. 7. You use it to upload activities
  4. 8. A place where you can borrow books
  5. 10. You use it to meet online during remote learning. _____ Teams
  6. 11. An hour long period of time when you eat and play
  7. 12. A subject where you can be creative
  8. 14. A type of reference you use to look up words you don't know
  9. 17. What a teacher writes on during class
  1. 1. Another word for completing work
  2. 3. It rings at the beginning and end of the school day
  3. 5. A building where students learn
  4. 6. A shape and an area you run around on
  5. 9. At the end of Term 4, year 6 will celebrate their _____ .
  6. 10. A subject that involves numbers
  7. 13. School work given to students to do at home
  8. 15. How you bring your food to school
  9. 16. Students sit at this in class