Back to School

  1. 3. This year, you'll graduate from ___ Mills.
  2. 4. You might sing or play instruments in this special subject.
  3. 6. We have this special subject twice every 6 days.
  4. 7. You check out books here.
  5. 9. This is the season that will start in a few weeks.
  6. 11. We will go to ___ Hook on a field trip.
  7. 12. You eat lunch here.
  1. 1. This is our current month.
  2. 2. This special subject is closest to our room.
  3. 5. This special subject is in room 16.
  4. 8. You have this special subject once every 12 days.
  5. 10. This computer program lets you play math games.