Back to school!

  1. 2. It is not nice to ____ my friends' feelings.
  2. 4. We eat lunch in the ____.
  3. 7. I am always ___ to my friends.
  4. 8. School is great because we ____ new things.
  5. 10. It is our responsibility to keep our ____ clean.
  1. 1. During ____ we go to the playground.
  2. 2. When I get home from school, I do my ___ to practice what I learned at school that day.
  3. 3. After I have been to the toilet, I need to ___ my hands.
  4. 5. We go to the ___ to read books.
  5. 6. When I am walking in the corridor, I always walk ___.
  6. 9. If I have a question I need to put my ___ up.