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  1. 4. Clubs are on ______ afternoons
  2. 5. Bucks Caught Being Good's are now called___
  3. 7. Vanguard Value (7 letters)
  4. 8. Vanguard Value (11 letters)
  5. 11. Your homeroom teacher
  6. 12. Your first period class
  7. 14. Middle School Counselor (Starts with a Z)
  8. 15. Enrichment class on F days
  9. 16. used to be called the point sheet
  10. 17. Enrichment on C days
  1. 1. Homeroom Number
  2. 2. Vanguard Value (4 letters)
  3. 3. At the start of each class I will fill out
  4. 6. Vanguard Value (5 letters)
  5. 9. Where can you spend your earned money?
  6. 10. Middle School Counselor (Starts with a B)
  7. 13. I can earn ___ dollars for each Value during each class period