Back to School

  1. 4. King of school supplies
  2. 5. every favourite period that students love (clue: go to food corner to get your hint)
  3. 6. Laughing Gas (Clue: Periodic Table)
  4. 7. Math teachers' favourite dessert
  5. 9. other place to go when you cannot study at home
  6. 11. You will always find me in the past, I can be created in the present but the future will never change me. What am I?
  1. 1. our form teacher for today (clue: the game host)
  2. 2. When you come to school on Monday, you find out that class has been delayed. Your class will be three days after the day before the day after tomorrow. What day is your class?
  3. 3. what students wear to school
  4. 8. A subject that majority hate
  5. 10. I have 2 hands but no arms. I have a face but no eyes. What am I?