Back to School

  1. 3. Head of a School
  2. 4. Insert paper
  3. 6. Processes data
  4. 7. loud clock
  5. 8. Educator
  6. 11. Measure
  7. 16. Something new you buy for school
  8. 17. Stores important information
  9. 18. Use this to cut
  1. 1. Blackboard
  2. 2. something you write with
  3. 4. People you love at school
  4. 5. In case you make a mistake
  5. 9. Colorful
  6. 10. Sticky and white
  7. 12. Play
  8. 13. Write on me
  9. 14. Something you use to learn
  10. 15. Holds all materials