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  1. 2. School _______ have been around since 1915.
  2. 6. The state of _______has 9 of the top 10 largest high school gyms in America.
  3. 7. The oldest _______ school in the US was founded in 1635.
  4. 10. _______ State is the largest public university in the US.
  5. 11. The average _______ can write 45,000 words.
  6. 12. What country has school six days a week?
  7. 14. There are about 8 million _________ in the United States.
  8. 15. Worldwide, what is the most liked subject in elementary school?
  1. 1. In what country did the tradition of giving apples to teachers originate?
  2. 3. Crayola produces three ________ crayons a year.
  3. 4. What is the most selective college in the US to get into?
  4. 5. What is the most popular color of Crayola crayon?
  5. 8. What state has the highest number of college students?
  6. 9. In what country is the largest school in the world located?
  7. 13. Before erasers were invented, we commonly used this to get rid of pencil marks.