Back To School

  1. 3. Something that you eat at midday
  2. 6. You sit at this to do your work at school
  3. 8. A place where children play at break
  4. 9. Something you use to rub out things
  5. 10. A subject where you add and subtract
  6. 12. A subject where you paint and draw
  7. 13. You read this and it has lots of pages
  8. 14. Something that you write with
  1. 1. A bag that you carry on your back
  2. 2. Teachers write on this in the classroom
  3. 4. Children who go to school are called...
  4. 5. Some children wear this at school
  5. 7. A room in school where you learn
  6. 11. Someone who teaches you things