Back to School

  1. 4. you use this to highlight text
  2. 8. you keep your pencils in this
  3. 9. you use this to calculate
  4. 10. a collection of sheets of paper for assignments
  5. 12. you carry your books in this
  6. 14. a daily record of school activities
  7. 16. you use this to correct mistakes in writing
  8. 18. you write in this
  1. 1. you cut paper with these
  2. 2. you use this to measure things
  3. 3. the head of the school
  4. 5. a person who teaches you
  5. 6. where you sit in the classroom
  6. 7. a place where you borrow books
  7. 11. an activity to do after school
  8. 13. you use these to color pictures
  9. 15. time to play outside
  10. 17. you write with this