back to school at 60

  1. 3. maker of YoYo
  2. 7. Tamil name for an easter treat.
  3. 9. God of the Tamils
  4. 11. She has it all? not yes but almost.
  5. 13. Sounds like how Hindi folks express their amazement!
  6. 14. The movie that glorified the word NO.
  1. 1. Cheap amble gone awry
  2. 2. A candy name that seems like an invitation to come and hit and slit!
  3. 4. Colour of books?
  4. 5. Your only encounter with Atheletics.
  5. 6. Very modern way to address your mom
  6. 8. Possibly on lists to be removed
  7. 10. Male name that sounds like a musical jungle.
  8. 12. Amma's namesake and friend.