Back to School Bash

  1. 2. What concert did we see last night?
  2. 6. Whose brother was in the MBA program with Jack Ball?
  3. 9. Who doesn't own a polo?
  4. 10. Who identifies as a 10/10 but thinks their boyfriend is a 7/10?
  5. 11. Who doesn't know how to swim?
  6. 14. Whose wedding did we attend last weekend?
  7. 15. What piece of furniture is broken in our apartment?
  8. 16. What street did we live on in college?
  9. 17. Where did we go to college?
  10. 18. Who is from Scotland?
  11. 19. What is our favorite book series?
  1. 1. Who has fallen out of an elevator in front of partners?
  2. 3. Whose done cocaine but never smoked (not even a juul)?
  3. 4. Whose Friday night plans were hanging out with their washing machine
  4. 5. Who had a bar mitzvah at 24 years old?
  5. 7. Who dreams of being in Toledo with their long term boyfriend
  6. 8. Who is obsessed with biking?
  7. 12. Who went to St. X?
  8. 13. Whose biggest turn on is compliments?