Back to School crossword

  1. 3. the room where a class is held
  2. 5. the class where you can act
  3. 7. the sport where you can't use your hands
  4. 10. the school mascot
  5. 12. the year you enter Rolla High (9th grader)
  6. 14. tells you when and where your classes are
  7. 15. the new band director
  1. 1. a sport where you can score a touchdown
  2. 2. the color of the school mascot
  3. 4. the Rolla high school color that is not grey
  4. 6. the name of the yearbook
  5. 8. leaders that help with freshman orientation
  6. 9. the last name of the RHS principal
  7. 11. what you need to leave a classroom
  8. 13. name of school paper