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  1. 3. a new favorite lunch item
  2. 5. the school-wide 2022 theme, along with 2 down
  3. 7. MBA swim mascot
  4. 8. the Burk's locker room door prop
  5. 11. MBA activity receiving a new facility in the Burk
  6. 12. company who served shave ice to students on Friday the 2nd
  7. 14. sponsor of the MBA Club Fair
  8. 16. see 6 down
  1. 1. mascot of the football team that Big Red beat 49-6
  2. 2. see 5 across
  3. 4. country from which McCallie recruits
  4. 6. last-name of the co-author of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, along with 14 across
  5. 7. Caribbean island that hosted MBA students this summer for a trip
  6. 9. river the Freshmen annually raft down
  7. 10. Mr. Pruitt's favorite word
  8. 13. band of the song that the Headmaster's Singers performed in Assembly
  9. 15. university from which Dr. Daughtrey received his Bachelor's degree