- 1. Bridge builders(major)
- 3. flair's caretakers(major)
- 4. Anthropology(major)
- 7. Hi hungry, I'm dad!
- 8. Pilots (major)
- 11. Opposite of "oldlady"
- 12. Art credit
- 13. Wall Street(major)
- 14. Dynamite makers(major)
- 15. Adorable '24 robot mascot
- 16. Art Deco and Baroque (major)
- 17. "Chair builders"(major)
- 20. Dutch rival
- 21. Newton's laws(major)
- 22. Photoshoppers(major)
- 23. Biologists(major)
- 24. RiteAid(major)
- 26. Tech Support(major)
- 27. Food's abode
- 2. Courtroom occupants(major)
- 5. "The email lady"
- 6. The powerhouse of the cell
- 8. 3100 seats
- 9. Pythagoras(major)
- 10. Conedison(major)
- 16. Former students
- 18. Entrance exam
- 19. Hippocratic oath(major)
- 25. Optimus Prime(major)
- 26. Spectator's alternative