Back to School Crossword

  1. 6. the sport in which runners run across natural terrain, such as dirt or grass
  2. 9. the study of numbers
  3. 10. a bag with shoulder straps used for carrying objects
  4. 11. writing utensil containing a graphite center
  5. 12. a game of two teams, typically of six players, in which a ball is hit by hand over a net, aimed at the ground on the other side
  6. 13. the person with the highest authority in a school
  7. 15. a person who provides education to others
  8. 16. the study of past events
  1. 1. the study of the English language
  2. 2. a team game played with an oval ball, in North America
  3. 3. a writing utensil in which it contains an ink cartridge
  4. 4. multiple written or printed sheets of paper bound together
  5. 5. physical education
  6. 7. the performance of organized chanting and cheering
  7. 8. the process of learning about the natural world
  8. 14. a book for writing notes in